All items are available EXCLUSIVELY AND ONLY directly from Raintree--- Items purchased from other  sources, unless a secondary sale, are NOT Raintree designs or are copyright fraud copies.  We can Not guarantee the quality of workmanship or karat of the gold, nor the quality of the stones used.

 All jewelry is 14 K gold or sterling jewelry.  VERY few pieces are cast in silver, as my goldsmith HATES working in silver. Only items shown in silver are available.

Pieces with diamond or Saphire eyes are genuine gemstones.  Pieces with larger 'diamonds' are Russian Cut Cubic Zirconia--- the BEST, which truly look like genuine diamonds, which are available at a competative price, or we can reset stones from your older jewlery. (Please do NOT ship stones directly to me, they must go directly to my goldsmith, a certified gemologist)

If interested in a piece shown, please contact me directly and I will get back to you with the current pricing and if the item is in stock or needs to be custom ordered.